معيار الأمن السيبراني للطرف الثالث الخاص بأرامكو SASC-002 (بالعربي )
معيار الأمن السيبراني للطرف الثالث الخاص بأرامكو SASC-002 (بالعربي )
Aramco’s 3rd Party Cyber Security Standard SACS002 معيار الأمن السيبراني للطرف الثالث الخاص بأرامكو SASC-002 (بالعربي ) All external companies must adhere to the Third Party Cybersecurity Controls Standard (SACS-002) and obtain the Cybersecurity Controls Compliance Certification, which is considered one of the parts of the Third Party Cybersecurity Controls Compliance Program launched by Saudi… Continue reading Aramco’s 3rd Party Cyber Security Standard SACS002
oUR sERVICES CYBER SECURITY CONSULTING TRAINING AND WORKSHOPS We help organizations overcome challenges by providing a wide range of GRC services including advisory, design and implementation services to meet their needs. These services range from establishing a strategic direction for your cyber security program to providing detailed technical evaluations of IT assets utilizing our high-level… Continue reading SERVICES